Why Comic Sans Typeface?

Admit it, you hear what you're reading, right?
Okay…a bit of a confession, I’m adding some random posts to test out my new theme. All WordPress themes are a bit different and each one has their own particular rules. How are menus managed? How are new posts added? What is controlled on the WP dashboard and what is controlled on the theme’s customization menu?

The only way to learn how to do something is to just do it. So I’m doing it.

All this leads to a small observation: that I’m using comic sans for my headlines. This is an often derided typeface. It’s most famous use is in the dialogue boxes of comic books. But just imagine Spiderman or Captain America “speaking” in courier–a typeface long associated with typewriters. It would look strange, right? Of course it would.

So the lesson is that even a typeface can have a contextual meaning. In this case, comic sans has a “speaking” meaning. Even though we read it as we do any text, the context is that someone is speaking the words we are reading. So using comic sans for headlines is my way of being conversational. I want my blog to be a dialogue, not a lecture. For a lecture I’d use Times Roman. For an official proclamation, I’d use Copperplate. It’s all about context.